On 18 July 2024, we celebrate Mandela Day, a time to honour the memory of Madiba, but also a moment to reflect on any small action each of us can take for the betterment of our communities.

Throughout the month of July, the South African NGO KHULA Education is inviting members of the SACC to mark Mandela’s legacy of 67 years of community service by bringing your team together to #RideforaReason. And, while cycling is the most popular option, we also have individuals and teams running, swimming, hiking or even dancing to raise funds for KHULA Education’s projects in deep rural KwaZulu-Natal.
Taking part is easy, simply email ride@khula-education.org.za to let us know you’d like to take part and set up your fundraising page by visiting https://www.justgiving.com/ campaign/rideforkhula2024 and hitting the ‘Start Fundraising’ button.
There is no minimum amount needed to take part and you can fundraise as a team, company or individual. Equally, you can set your distance/time targets based on your abilities – this could be 67 minutes (or kilometres!) in honour of Mandela’s 67 years of service to South Africa. And, as a global event, we invite teams to take part wherever they are in the world, with teams from more than 30 countries joining last year’s inaugural fundraiser.

About KHULA Education
KHULA Education is a small but mighty NGO that is breaking the chain of intergenerational poverty and levelling the playing field for rural children and youth in deep rural KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa. Since our founding in 2007 in memory of the preeminent South African historian David Rattray, we have been working to improve education outcomes and economic prospects for rural children and youth, and today support over 6,500 children and young people and 300 teachers annually.
With our support, previously failing schools now compete at the national level, with exam pass rates soaring from 54% to 91% in just a few short years. We have helped hundreds of young people to access further education and gain decent employment in fields including teaching, medicine and IT.
All the funds you raise will support KHULA Education’s work to provide a quality education and economic opportunities for maginalised children and young people in rural KwaZulu- Natal through our four core areas of work:

  1. Quality early learning and two nutritious meals a day for over 280 two – four year olds at our four KHULA preschools
  2. Supplementary teaching in Maths and English for children at 18 under resourced, government-run primary and secondary schools
  3. Training and development for more than 300 local teachers
  4. Support for young people to prepare for and access further education and decent work.

For more information and to sign up or support Ride for a Reason, please email ride@khula-education.org.za