

The Company’s Services and Discount offering

(pronounced as in “signature” not as in “sign”)

SigniFlow® is a digital signature workflow software service. 

SigniFlow® offer a service and process that is a digital enhancement on the more familiar digital signature companies.

The SigniFlow® eSignature platform fully digitises any process that requires a document to be legally signed or approved using advanced electronic signatures. Applications range from the most basic requirements, like getting employees to sign leave applications and their managers to approve it, to ultra-complex processes which require both internal and external parties to sign highly sensitive or legal documents.

The platform allows for easy onboarding of participants, segregation of participants into Portfolios and API automation of complex integrated processes – See “What we do” below”

SigniFlow® are the experts at helping companies make their customer’s workplace more efficient and secure, using encryption technology to protect and tamper-proof their documents.

SigniFlow® has offices around the world, in the UK, US, Australia and South Africa. 

SigniFlow® was developed in 2013 to help business owners deal with their digital transformation seamlessly.  As a result of the pandemic, such processes have become more critical, dealing with the complexities and efficiencies of hybrid working, remote engagement and online meetings; internally and externally.

The value of advanced digital signatures is the certainty of legally binding documents, no inadvertent risks arising!

Customers include a wide range of industries including Medical, Financial, Legal, Engineering, Insurance, Mining, etc. as seen in the image below.  More recent additions include Investec, Auto Protect Group, Porterbrook and InExpress.


The SA Chamber is joining Signiflow® as a customer, so in the new year you can ask for our experience feedback.

Signiflow® will offer all applications for any of the services a 10% discount. 

Price and service options are more flexible and varied than many software solutions and with a greater offering, more cost effective than competitors and deliver greater value returns.

Email with the letters SACC in the email header and they will engage and process the 10% discount on the order.

Their services and pricing brochure can be downloaded here