Loyalty Offers

Chamber Loyalty Offers Launched

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100% OFF!

Offer ends: Wednesday, 31st December 2025

Members can now publish special offers

Members can now publish special offers on the chamber website. They can be for everyone, or exclusive to other members.

This feature has been created to encourage more trade for your business, and to offer even better value to SA Chamber UK members.

Offers can be in form of:
A price reduction
An amount off
A percentage off
Can run indefinitely, or for a limited period

Include a redemption code, a QR code or add a utm code onto your url, so you know where your customers have come from (a sample redemption code is included below).

Use code SAMPLE-1 at checkout

25 in 1 Water testing kit

10% OFF!

Water quality test in under 2 minutes!

Water dissolves many minerals, chemicals, and foreign substances, then, it can get contaminated. Contaminated water can carry bacteria that can harm our bodies and make us ill. Our 25 in 1 Water Test Strips is the perfect solution for a complete water 'check-up' before consumption, keeping you, your family and community safe.

This kit can be used to test for: Drinking water, Recreational water, Agriculture

Water from various sources such as:
Tap water, Borehole water, River water, Dam water, Bottled water, Effluent water, Sea water

It is easy to use, provides quick and accurate results in a few minutes.

What the kit tests for:

The Chemistry Solutions Company 25 in 1 Comprehensive Water Test Kit is a single-use test kit which provides a comprehensive panel of parameters for testing water as follows:

Aluminium: 0-250m g/L, Ammonia nitrogen: 0-500 mg/L, Carbonate Root: 0-180mg/L, Chromium/Cr(VI): 0-100 mg /L, Copper: 0-300mg/L, Cyanuric Acidiron: 0-300m g/L, E.coli: 3 CFU/ml, Fluoride: 0-200 mg/L, Free Bromine: 0-20mg/L, Hardness: 0-1000mg/L, Iron: 0-500mg/L, Lead: 0-500 mg /L, Manganese: 0-5mg/L, Mercury: 0-0.08mg/L, Nitrate: 0-500 mg/L, Nitrite: 0-80mg/L, pH: 6.2-8.4, Phosphate: 0-500mg/L, Potassium: 0-240 mg/L, Residual Chlorine: 0-20mg/L, Salt: 1500-5000 ppm, Sulfate: 0-1600mg/L, Total Alkalinity: 0-240mg/L, Total Chlorine: 0-10mg/L, Zinc: 0-100mg/L

Water test strips test instructions:
- Collect the water sample to be tested in a vial, cup, or container
- Immerse the test strip in the desired water sample and remove within 5 seconds
- Hold the strip horizontally and gently tap or shake to remove excess water. Take extra precaution to ensure that the water from test pads don't bleed into each other
- Read the test results carefully within 60 seconds in a good light and with the test area held near the colour


Do you want to build your brand in the UK?

10% OFF!

Offer ends: Thursday, 13th November 2025

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We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to meet you. During this session, we'll get to know you better and understand your unique needs, ensuring we can provide you with the best possible service. We can’t wait to chat with you and explore how we can support you!


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360 Mole Mapping at OneWelbeck

£100.00 OFF!

10% OFF: SACC-UK Member Offer

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10% OFF on all print orders

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