A world record was broken earlier this week, when Young Voices staged the largest children’s choir gathering ever seen. However, a proud Cape Town grandmother of one singer believes the event had an even higher significance.

Kae Sera is certainly a woman who believes what will be, will be. As shared by SAPeople, she filmed and uploaded a breathtaking performance of Toto’s Africa, sang by 7,800 young choir members at London’s 02 Arena.

The South African connection

The record-breaking effort took on extra-significance for Kae, whose grandson Riley is just seven-years-old. She says he’s very much aware that Cape Town could run out of water, and that the drought is indeed part of his life.

The 90-second clip is genuinely hair-raising. There’s something just so wonderful about the power of song, and the innocence of youth. And for ye of little faith, may we just remind you: A deluge of rain is coming to Cape Town this weekend. You just try telling little Riley he had nothing to do with it!

How good are these kids? We really think it’s no co-incidence the Mother City has rain coming this weekend. Sometimes, you just have to accept miracles happen.

A song for Cape Town

Well, the British kids – and a South African secret weapon – have done their bit. With the storm clouds incoming, Cape Town’s fate still depends on the actions of their citizens. Save every drop, be water conscious, and collectively, you can put this day zero nightmare to bed.

By Tom Head – 2018-02-08 featured in The South African